Saturday, December 24, 2011

Eeyore Stories

Kimmie has been telling us Eeyore stories. I'm not sure if she has seen these stories in books or on TV or if she has made them up.

One of the stories is about Eeyore flying. Her story goes something like this: "Flying, blue Eeyore, blue magic shoes, back, Piglet, back, red-shirt Pooh bear, flying." He always has his blue magic shoes when he is flying. Sometimes Kimmie is flying on Eeyore's back, but lately it has been Piglet and Pooh that are riding on Eeyore's back. Eeyore has magic shoes. We have asked her if he wears the magic shoes on his feet. She tells us, "No, back." Everyone is happy in this story.

Another story is about Piglet being scared of Eeyore. Piglet is scared of Eeyore because Eeyore is making a dragon sound. Sometimes Eeyore is in a cave making a dragon sound. I thought I saw this in a book, but have been unable to find it again. What I recall is that Eeyore was sleeping and snoring. As it echoed through the Hundred Acre Wood, Piglet was afraid and thought it was a dragon or other ferocious animal.

Kimmie hasn't been sleeping well and the other night she was awake in her bed a lot. Of course someone always has to be there with her if she is awake. I was laying down with her that night. The next day I asked her why she was awake so much. She responded, "Scared, Eeyore dragon sound."

We asked her if Daddy was making a dragon sound. "No."

We asked her if Mommy was making a dragon sound. "No."

We asked her if Bethany was making a dragon sound. "No. Eeyore."


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