Thursday, August 26, 2010

Baby Panda

Kimmie loves panda bears. She has for years. In fact, she has quite a collection of stuffed pandas, panda movies, panda books, panda t-shirts and panda pajamas.

She has an amazing capacity for sitting and watching documentary type movies about panda bears. Of course, what are most of these movies about? --Having babies to keep the panda from becoming extinct. We know all about the birthing and baby stages.

Kimmie has decided that she has a baby panda in her tummy. She points at her belly button and tells us there's a baby panda there. Then she tells us we need to go to the hospital to get out the baby panda.

I think that could probably be interpreted to mean that Kimmie wants a pet panda!


1 comment:

  1. I know this isn't the normal style for your blog but I recieved a blog award this week that SCREAMS Kimmie so I had to pass it on to you guys! It is posted on my blog

    Hugs to Kimmie and the rest of the family!
    <3 Shanon
