Monday, November 3, 2008


We are sometimes asked what Kimmie's diagnosis is. She does not have a diagnosis.

We know that somewhere in her genetic makeup there is a chromosome that is either missing, or extra, or backwards, or in the wrong spot. We just don't know exactly which one is affected.

When Kimmie was small we took her to a geneticist. She was tested for a few disorders, but the tests came back negative. Over the years that we took her to the geneticist, it seemed like we were not receiving much benefit from these appointments. They seemed to be more for the doctor's benefit as Kimmie gave him someone different to study. Eventually the option of having fewer appointments outweighed the desire to put a name to Kimmie's disorder. After all for many years we were inundated with appointments--doctor appointments, allergy shots, speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, school meetings. . .


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