Friday, August 21, 2009

Kimmie's Laughing

Kimmie's laughing. It's such a happy sound.

Last Saturday I was taking my other daughter someplace and we were driving a way we have not gone in a while. We approached a stop light on the green cycle at an intersection with a little hump in the middle. It's a fun intersection to go through a little fast on the green because the hump in the middle gives you that "whoosh" feeling.

Kimmie always loved going through that light on the green and feeling the "whoosh." She would laugh. I told her sister on Saturday when we were laughing that I could hear Kimmie laughing in my head even though she was not with us. And see her signing, "funny slide, funny slide."

We'll have to go that way soon so Kimmie can laugh as we bounce over the hump.


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