Kimmie has developed an obsession about socks.
Dad tends to always grab white socks at 5:45 am when we are getting Kimmie ready for her school bus, and white socks can get rather boring. Kimmie tends to pick colored socks, not necessarily the color that matches her clothes.
First she was stuck on the pastel blue socks. One weekend she wore these socks for 3 days. Fortunately her feet don't sweat and she didn't have her shoes on much of that time. We did put clean socks on her, but she would hunt for the blue socks and change from the clean socks to her favorite blue ones.
More recently she has found the bolder colors, hot pink, turquoise, black . . . One evening she picked out turquoise socks to wear with lime green pajamas. Her sister came home and told her that her socks didn't match her clothes. Kimmie didn't care.
She has started going to sleep with her socks on, but sometime in the night she usually takes them off. We find these little heaps of socks next to her bed. If we don't get them picked up and in the laundry right away, she grabs them and puts them back on. We have started picking them up while she is asleep and putting them in the laundry so she won't be able to put them back on.
This past Sunday, after we came home from church, she told me she was going upstairs to get some socks. I wondered if she would put the socks on over her tights or if she would take her tights off before putting the socks on. I went upstairs a few minutes later to see what she was doing. She had forgotten about the socks and was playing. When I came in her room she remembered the socks and started hunting for the ones she had worn to bed the night before, the ones we had already put in the laundry. She knew they should be in or around her bed, so she started taking her bedding apart looking for the socks. She was not happy when I told her that the turquoise socks were in the laundry. Eventually she chose to wear black socks, black socks with lavendar clothes.
She protests loudly whenever we take her socks off, you know, for her bath, or to put clean ones on, or to put on ones that match her clothes. . . . She's a mess!
Seattle Half-Marathon Race Report
14 years ago
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