Kimmie has new shoes. They are really cute. Everyone agrees that they are cute. Everyone, but Kimmie. She is having more trouble adjusting to these than she usually has. We're not sure why. She says they hurt her feet but we can't feel anything that would hurt.
At first we did not send her to school in them. We had her wear them on a Saturday when we were doing some shopping, so she could get used to them and break them in a bit. We even went to the mall. She walked pretty far in the mall and then all the way back to the car. She rode in a cart at another store and left her shoes on. She walked around another store and didn't complain.
On Monday we decided the shoes were ready to be worn to school. Evidentally, NOT. They didn't say it was a big problem at school, just that she took her shoes off a lot. But on the bus, that was another story. They said she took her shoes off and threw them at others on the bus.
Hummm. We decided she would wear them at home until she was doing better with them and sent her to school on Tuesday in her old shoes. The bus driver and aide looked her over when she got on the bus and said they were really glad she was not wearing the new shoes.
Wednesday evening we were going to church, so I put the new shoes on her. She walked around the house fine, getting together the things she wanted to take with her. She went out to the car and off we went to church. A short time later she had her shoes off and proceeded to scream at them and us . . . all the way to church. Her sister took the shoes away from Kimmie and we told her she didn't have to wear them until we arrived at church. This didn't help. She continued to scream. She wasn't happy with the shoes on and she wasn't happy with them off.
When we arrived at church, she put the shoes on and walked into the church and was fine. When we sat down for the Bible study, she took her shoes off. I immediately moved them out of the way and told her she could go without them while we were there. Fortunately she was quiet until after the study ended. Once it was over, she wanted her shoes and sat there and screamed at them.
She always fusses when she gets new shoes, but usually after one wearing, she is fine with the shoes. I'm not sure if this pair will ever get back on her feet. Right now they are sitting along the wall in the family room where we can admire how cute they are, even though she won't wear them.
Seattle Half-Marathon Race Report
14 years ago